Vestibular Therapy in Edmonton

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Vestibular Therapy in Edmonton

Vestibular Therapy Edmonton

Do you feel off-balance and unsteady? If this is the case, vestibular therapy in Edmonton may be needed.  Vestibular therapy, also known as vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT), is basically a specialized form of physical therapy that focuses on treating balance disorders and problems related to the vestibular system. The vestibular system is responsible for maintaining our sense of balance and spatial orientation.

VRT is typically prescribed to people who experience dizziness, vertigo, unsteadiness, or other balance-related issues. These symptoms can arise from various conditions, including vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), Meniere’s disease, or head injuries.

The goal of vestibular therapy is to improve the function of the vestibular system and enhance a person’s ability to maintain balance and control their movements. It involves a combination of specific exercises and maneuvers designed to stimulate and challenge the vestibular system, promoting adaptation and compensation.

  1. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV): BPPV is a common condition that causes brief episodes of vertigo triggered by specific head movements. Vestibular therapy in Edmonton, specifically canalith repositioning maneuvers like the Epley or Semont maneuver, can help reposition displaced calcium crystals in the inner ear, alleviating vertigo symptoms.
  2. Vestibular Neuritis and Labyrinthitis: These conditions involve inflammation of the vestibular nerve or inner ear structures, resulting in dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance. Vertigo therapy can aid in the recovery process by promoting compensation and adaptation within the vestibular system, reducing symptoms and improving balance.
  3. Meniere’s Disease: Meniere’s disease is a chronic condition characterized by recurrent episodes of vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and a feeling of fullness in the affected ear. While there is no cure for Meniere’s disease, vestibular therapy can help manage symptoms, improve balance, and enhance overall stability.
  4. Post-Concussion Syndrome: Following a head injury or concussion, some people may experience persistent dizziness, imbalance, and difficulty with coordination. Vestibular therapy in Edmonton can be beneficial in addressing these symptoms and aiding in the recovery of the vestibular system.

Age-related balance disorders: As people age, they may experience age-related changes in their vestibular system, leading to balance problems and an increased risk of falls. Vestibular therapy can help improve balance, reduce the risk of falls, and enhance overall stability in older adults.

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What will my vestibular therapist do?

Vestibular therapy in Edmonton, performed by our therapists with specialized training and certification in vestibular rehabilitation, aims to diagnose and treat disorders affecting the vestibular system. Here are some of the treatments and procedures that our vestibular therapist performs:

  1. Initial assessment: The vestibular therapist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s condition, medical history, and therapy goals. This assessment helps determine the most appropriate treatment approach.
  2. Treatment plan development: Based on the assessment, the vestibular therapist will create an individualized treatment plan designed to improve vestibular function, reduce symptoms, and enhance balance and coordination. This plan may include various exercises, maneuvers, and modalities.
  3. Patient education: The vestibular therapist will educate the patient about their specific condition, provide guidance on lifestyle modifications, and teach them exercises and strategies to manage symptoms and prevent further complications.
  4. Exercise prescription: The therapist will prescribe specific exercises targeting the vestibular system to improve balance, coordination, and gaze stabilization. These exercises may involve head movements, eye exercises, and body movements that challenge the vestibular system.
  5. Use of modalities: In some cases, the vestibular therapist may employ additional modalities to aid in the rehabilitation process. These may include techniques such as gaze stabilization exercises using visual targets, computerized balance training programs, or virtual reality-based therapy.
  6. Progress monitoring: The vestibular therapist will regularly assess the patient’s progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. This ensures that the therapy is effective and aligned with the patient’s changing needs.

If you or someone you know requires vestibular therapy, we encourage you to reach out to our clinic. Our experienced therapists are trained in vestibular rehabilitation and can help you regain your balance, reduce symptoms, and improve your overall  quality of life. Please contact us to schedule an appointment or for further information.

Still, have doubts about Vestibular? We have got you covered:

Sure we understand, we have listed the commonly asked questions that might provide more information.

Vestibular therapy aims to provide long-term relief and management for various vestibular conditions. The duration of treatment and the need for maintenance sessions can vary depending on the specific condition, severity, and individual response to therapy. In some cases, patients may achieve significant improvement and long-lasting results with a focused treatment plan. However, for chronic or progressive conditions, ongoing maintenance sessions may be recommended to manage symptoms and optimize function.

The success of vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is typically measured through various outcome measures. These may include assessments of balance, gait, dizziness symptoms, functional abilities, and quality of life. Objective measurements such as computerized dynamic posturography, videonystagmography (VNG), or subjective questionnaires may be used to evaluate progress and track improvements over time. The healthcare professional administering the therapy will regularly monitor and assess the patient's progress to determine the effectiveness of VRT.

Medications are generally not the primary focus of vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT). However, in some cases, medications may be prescribed by a healthcare professional to manage specific symptoms associated with vestibular conditions. Medications can help control dizziness, nausea, or other related symptoms, providing temporary relief while the patient undergoes VRT. The use of medications in conjunction with VRT will depend on the individual's specific condition and the healthcare professional's recommendation.

Vestibular therapy can benefit a range of conditions and disorders affecting the vestibular system. These may include benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, Meniere's disease, vestibular migraine, post-concussion syndrome, and other vestibular dysfunctions. Additionally, individuals with balance disorders related to ageing, certain neurological conditions, or musculoskeletal impairments can also benefit from vestibular therapy.

Vestibular therapy is generally safe and well-tolerated. However, some individuals may experience temporary dizziness, nausea, or fatigue during or after the therapy sessions. These symptoms are usually transient and resolve on their own. It is important to work with a qualified healthcare professional who specializes in vestibular rehabilitation to ensure proper evaluation, personalized treatment, and monitoring to minimize any potential risks or side effects.

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